Writing for Agora

'It is an impressive collection of thoughtful articles ... I enjoyed working with [the editor] and wish continued success in your important work.'
Tom Morton, co-author of The Big Six

'I cannot thank you enough for the work you put in to make this look so amazing. I am so grateful for this opportunity.'
Agora author Stephanie Murphy, Padua College

'What a privilege it has been to contribute to Agora ... Agora has been a steady source of inspiration throughout my history teaching career.'
Agora author Rachael Patrick, Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

Writing for Agora gives you a chance to share your expertise and ideas with History teachers and contribute to the History teaching community. Agora invites submissions that relate to History teaching in any way, from classroom-ready activities to deep curriculum discussions and insights into History teaching as a discipline.

Read more about the editorial process, copyright and our style guide.

Download contributor guidelines
Download author agreement
Download student permission form

General information

Agora content is aimed at practising History teachers and educators. Articles range in tone from formal and academic style to conversational. Writers are expected to demonstrate a fair-minded approach when discussing the work of others, and submissions should be both courteous and academically rigorous.

Please pitch your idea for an article to the Agora editor at agora@htav.asn.au at least 6 weeks prior to the submission deadlines below. Indicate which part of the History curriculum your article addresses, and include whether you are targeting an upcoming theme.


Each issue of Agora features a theme relating to History teaching. While Thema articles should address an issue’s specific theme, Praktikos and Sungrapho articles can address any part of the History curriculum.

2024 (volume 59)

3 New Thinking on Old Histories
Closing date for submissions 22 July 2024
Distribution date November 2024

2025 (volume 60)

1 Comparing the World Wars
Closing date for submissions 21 October 2024
Distribution date February 2025

2 Animals in History
Closing date for submissions 17 March 2025
Distribution date July 2025

3 Indigenous Perspectives of History
Closing date for submissions 4 August 2025
Distribution date November 2025

2026 (volume 61)

1 Place-based Learning
Closing date for submissions 20 October 2025
Distribution date February 2026

Agora structure

Agora features four sections that accommodate different styles and interests. Consider which section best suits your intended contribution.

  • Thema: Perspectives on the theme
    1800­–2000 words
  • Praktikos: Teaching ideas
    1200–1800 words
  • Sungraphô: Research and analysis
    3000­–3500 words
  • Kritikos: Reviews (online)
    500 words

Read more about the editorial process, copyright and our style guide

Download contributor guidelines (pdf)

Download author agreement (pdf)

Download student permission form (doc)

Events Calendar

Sponsors & partners

  • Education Victoria - Sponsor Logo
  • National History Challenge - Sponsor Logo
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We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. The HTAV Office is located on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. These lands were never ceded. We pay our respect to their ancestors and Elders, past and present.

Please note: Members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities should be aware that the HTAV website may include images or names of people now deceased.